
god's work

What I realized during my eight months at my current job.

It must not be for money. If it's for money, you'll be happy only twice a month, or maybe once a month, depending on your company's pay schedule. Do what you love to do and the money will come. Accumulating money is a natural consequence of doing what you love to do. Because you are too engaged into doing your job, you don't have time to spend money. If you were working at a shitty job that pays well, you do the minimum work required, then you spend money to recover from the mind fuck that was this morning's budget meeting.

You don't want to wait. Because you will get comfortable with the salary, your daily habits will be ritualized, you will make friends at such jobs, you will have bills to pay, and you will second guess yourself out of switching to a career that you love. Especially in this economy, right? Right?

But it's never too late. "You're too old to go to school". "You need to build work experience". You need this car, this phone, this that, fuck that. You need to find something worthwhile while you're still alive. A side effect of working full time is that you look forward to the end of the day, which is one step closer to the next day, and it starts all over again. Remember when you used to wish that the sun wouldn't set so mom would let you play some more? Of course you don't, you got a full time job.

Snap out of it Tuan!